Development & Download
Any kind of support is appreciated, from testing the font and submitting bugreports to drawing glyphs. Someone who is able to write scripts for FontForge could make my life much easier. Development is currently done at GitHub. You can email me at
Downloading and using this font
This project is under heavy development. Don’t expect the fonts to be anywhere near to ready or perfect. Everything might be subject to change—from the dots on the i’s to the very name of this project and of the fonts. If, however, you are brave and dare to try them, you can get it here. Use at your own risk!
For the use of EB Garamond on the web Google webfonts provides an easy way to embed the font via @font-face. There you can also download a ttf version of the font. Sadly, that version is utterly outdated.
If you like the work I’m doing and want to contribute financially, you can use the microdonation system Flattr, or alternatively PayPal — thank you!